Thursday, August 2, 2012

18 weeks and counting!

18 weeks and counting! This is more real than unreal! Most marathon training plans are 16-18 weeks long. So now the countdown has truly started.  Last week was a monumental milestone week for me. Where do I even start?

Monday: Swim 4 x 500. Done.

Tuesday: 6 miles Heart Rate Slow Run. Getting inpatient with these heart rate runs since they are so slow.  Strength Training in the evening with Kristi. Done. I am loving Strength Training and Kristi is BA.

Wednesday: 1000 yards steady, then 3x400 [150 easy, 150 moderate, 100 hard], then 300 w/d: Done. OK The 50 fast almost made me throw up and gag. I really pushed myself, but I am realizing that my 150 moderate are not as slow as I thought.

Thursday: Happy Birthday to me!!!! 6 miles slow heart rate run after work with the FW gang.

Friday: Rest Day.

Saturday: REST DAY: A second rest day b/c guess what? I got engaged last night!!!

So I figured I'd walk around Key West with my new fiance and enjoy being a newly engaged fiance!

Sunday: 100 mile bike ride! Monumental milestone! New PR distance. Amazingly, I felt great until mile 80. Then everything was numb, sore and in pain. Chris moved my seat and his small adjustment made my ride so much better. Buy by mile 80 everything was hurting. Kristi told me that the IM race starts at around mile 80-85. I was very sore and couldn't imagine being out there for another 6-7 hours riding and running if it were race day. Thank Goodness for 17 more training weekends! My peanut butter sandwich was delicious and the ride, pace, and group was fantastic!

All in all, a great week! First 100 miler on the bike. I turned 35, but most of all, I got engaged to the most amazing man out there and whom I met via running in the first place!!!!!