Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Off the bandwagon

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Races for this year.

So I was looking at my race schedule for last year. I did 17 races total. I have three scheduled for this year only. 2 70.3s and Cozumel. Still my race schedule looks sad and empty. I need to remember to just focus on my long term goal: Cozumel Cozumel and Cozumel!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

First post!

I am not sure I know how to do to this. I want to create a blog or a place where I can write down my thoughts and my progress towards my training.

You see, 2 months ago I had this crazy idea of signing up for a full Ironman. So I took the plunge and signed up for Ironman Cozumel which will take place on November 25th, 2012.

I am also going to do my first 70.3 race this year. I have two in mind: 70.3 Haines City in May on May 20th where I plan to work on nutrition, the distance, the heat, etc. I also want to do on September 30th, 2012 as my last race before Im Cozumel.

So this blog will have a lot of my thoughts, training questions, nutrition issues, and just random ideas that come to my mind.

I have officially started my training as of February 6th with my awesome coach Frank.
So this should be week 3 of training, right?

Week of February 6th:  I went to Panama for the long weekend, saw the 70.3 race there and was very close to all the pros including Chris Lieto, Lance Armstrong, Angela Neal, etc. Seeing all the pros is giving me my mojo back to start training and to sign up for a race this Spring/early summer!

Double workout

So this morning I did a 50 min spin class with ironman veteran Steve. The new gym looks awesome!! Tough class today. The floor was soaked with my sweat. Swimming 2100 m tonight after work...