Friday, June 8, 2012

Post Race Blues

Mycoach has given me five days off. I have been bored off my mind. Ihave also had an extremely emotional week. And I have had the post race blues.I need to sign up for Augusta 70.3 for the end of September so I feel betterabout myself. If you are a racer, you know what the post race blues are. If youare a woman that has a very thin layer of thin skin, you are probably a bitemotional. Combine being emotional with having post race blues and it’s not ahappy picture.

Thismorning was my first workout post race. I had to swim 3500 something yards. Mygoggles kept on getting wet inside. Every other lap they would leak and get fullof water. Do I need to put black tape over my face or something? What do I do?I get more frustrated, angry, and start crying. Amy tells me, Meli they arejust goggles. Yes, they are only goggles. You’re right. I refuse to let a pairof leaky goggles ruin my day. I’m done for the day.

Sonow I have three pairs of TYR Nest Pros Leaky Goggles. And I was giving them a chance b/c Ihave tried so many goggles and they all leak or leak after three weeks. Maybe itwas the fact that I was having a bad day, but I might as well give the Leaky Gogglesanother shot.

1 comment:

  1. Well tomorrow it's back to the grind! Plus even with your leaky goggles you did much more swimming than me today :-)
